Querying Metadata

Metadata about streams can help to put the data in context. Here's a tutorial showing various ways of interacting with metadata in the platfrom .

Laurel Dunn

July 02, 2021

This blog post offers a tutorial demonstrating various options for querying and interacting with metadata about streams. A copy of the code is available in our github repository.

What is Metadata?

Metadata reports high-level information about data that is in a stream, such as where it was collected or how it relates to other streams in the database. This tutorial illustrates various functions for interacting with metadata in the database.

Functions covered in this tutorial:

import btrdb
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
db = btrdb.connect()

About the data

This tutorial uses a data collection POW/signatures which includes time series data from upwards of 200 events captured by digital fault recorders (DFRs) on the grid. The raw data set includes a 2-second snapshot of the raw waveform data recorded during each fault, as well as information collected after the fact to document what had caused the fault.

collection = 'POW/signatures'
streams = db.streams_in_collection(collection)

Accessing metadata fields

Each stream includes two types of metadata:

  • Tags describe required fields, such as the stream name and units
  • Annotations: describe optional fields which are specified by the user.

Different types of metadata can be retrieved using stream.tags() and stream.annotations().

stream = streams[1]

print('COLLECTION:', stream.collection)

print('   TAGS')

print('   ANNOTATIONS')
COLLECTION: POW/signatures/event2907

name            Vb
unit         volts
dtype: object


Weather                                                         Major Storm
DataSource                              https://pqmon.epri.com/see_all.html
Phase                                                                     2
EventId                                                                2907
FailedEquipmentCode                                                 Unknown
IsolationEquipmentCode                                             Recloser
Cause                                                             Lightning
FeederId                                                          F_0000026
SiteName                                                           Site0010
EventTime                                        2006-08-01 18:07:56.609000
Details                   A lightning strike caused a recloser on  F_000...
dtype: object

Birds eye view

One can get a high-level overview of metadata fields available for streams in a given collection using db.collection_metadata.

metadata = db.collection_metadata(collection)
({'ingress': 0, 'distiller': 0, 'name': 0, 'unit': 0},
 {'Cause': 1773,
  'DataSource': 1773,
  'Details': 1773,
  'EventId': 1773,
  'EventTime': 1773,
  'FailedEquipmentCode': 1773,
  'FeederId': 1773,
  'IsolationEquipmentCode': 1773,
  'Phase': 1773,
  'SiteName': 1773,
  'Weather': 1773})

Filtering on metadata contents

Metadata can provide a useful mechanism for determining what streams are relevant to a particular analysis. Two examples of filtering streams based on metadata contents are provided below.

# Find all voltage streams for a given event
event_name = stream.collection
streams = db.streams_in_collection(event_name, 

[<Stream collection=POW/signatures/event2907 name=Vb>,
 <Stream collection=POW/signatures/event2907 name=Va>,
 <Stream collection=POW/signatures/event2907 name=Vc>]
# Find all fault events caused by lightning during a major storm
annotations = {'Cause': 'Lightning',
              'Weather': 'Major Storm'}
streams = db.streams_in_collection(collection, 

print("%i streams selected from across %i collections"
      %(len(streams), len(list(set([s.collection for s in streams])))))
63 streams selected from across 9 collections

Using SQL to query metadata

Above, we used dictionaries to specify filtering criteria in terms of tags and annotations we wished to filter upon. You can achieve the same results using the db.query() function which allows you to pass any arbitrary SQL query. That query is applied to the database table that stores metadata, and offers much greater flexibility for specifying complex search criteria.

# Specify query
query = """SELECT uuid, name, unit from streams 
            WHERE collection LIKE $1 and unit='volts'"""

params = ['%%event%s'%(stream.annotations()[0]['EventId'])]

# Find Streams
streams_dict = db.query(query, params)
streams = db.streams(*[s['uuid'] for s in streams_dict])

# Get data!
start = min([s.time for s in streams.earliest()])
end = max([s.time for s in streams.latest()])
df = streams.filter(start=start, end=end).to_dataframe()

Doc strings for functions used

        Search for streams matching given parameters

        This function allows for searching

        collection: str
            collections to use when searching for streams, case sensitive.
        is_collection_prefix: bool
            Whether the collection is a prefix.
        tags: Dict[str, str]
            The tags to identify the stream.
        annotations: Dict[str, str]
            The annotations to identify the stream.

            A list of stream objects found with the provided search arguments.

        Search for streams matching given parameters

        This function allows for searching

        collection: str
            collections to use when searching for streams, case sensitive.
        is_collection_prefix: bool
            Whether the collection is a prefix.
        tags: Dict[str, str]
            The tags to identify the stream.
        annotations: Dict[str, str]
            The annotations to identify the stream.

            A list of stream objects found with the provided search arguments.

        Performs a SQL query on the database metadata and returns a list of
        dictionaries from the resulting cursor.

        stmt: str
            a SQL statement to be executed on the BTrDB metadata.  Available
            tables are noted below.  To sanitize inputs use a `$1` style parameter such as
            `select * from streams where name = $1 or name = $2`.
        params: list or tuple
            a list of parameter values to be sanitized and interpolated into the
            SQL statement. Using parameters forces value/type checking and is
            considered a best practice at the very least.

            a list of dictionary object representing the cursor results.

        Parameters will be inserted into the SQL statement as noted by the
        paramter number such as `$1`, `$2`, or `$3`.  The `streams` table is
        available for `SELECT` statements only.

        See https://btrdb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ for more info.

Laurel Dunn

Laurel is a Civil Engineer specializing in data-driven risk assessment and decision analysis for power systems. She has engaged with utilities, regulators, and policymakers about issues like grid modernization and climate resilience. She hopes to help society realize the benefits of scientific advancements by being a facilitator for knowledge transfer among institutions and people.