Do it yourself - Locating disturbances


October 19, 2020

Voltage sags can happen due to local events, or due to events that are far away. One way to differentiate the two is to look for signs that other data streams — such as frequency or current — were affected as well.

Locating disturbances

Looking for changes in the current (or lack thereof) can indicate whether an event occurred locally, or whether it originated from a disturbance that happened far away. Looking for changes in frequency (or lack thereof) can also help to locate an event, as the frequency tends to change regionally, and not due to events that are primarily local.

Do it yourself In this exercise, you’ll use the sunshine dataset to examine voltage sags and spikes. Look for similarities and differences across recorded at the same sensor. A change in both the voltage and current could indicate that an event occurred locally.

No change in current could indicate that an event originated from elsewhere in the network. Explore data from other sensors to determine where in the system an event occurred. Extra Credit Challenge The collection “lndunn/transmission_events/” reports measurements for a network of 20+ sensors during three events that occurred on the transmission grid including one oscillation and two switching events. Look for similarities and differences across sensors. Can you determine which sensors were nearest to the event?



NI4AI is short for A National Infrastructure for AI on the Grid. We are an ARPA-E funded initiative designed to eliminate barriers to developing new analytical tools for the grid. We provide a software platform, open access datasets, content, and access to a community of analysts exploring new applications for real-world sensor data.