A brief report on recent benchmarking results across time series databases
Michael Andersen, PhD
December 17, 2019
There are many time series databases on the market at the moment and they each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the differences are qualitative or can be quantified without an experiment for example “this database can scale out to a cluster” or “this database supports query X”. Others need experiments run on controlled hardware in order to quantify the differences.
Using the benchmarking codebase, we evaluate a number of scenarios to model real world performance. Below you will find the results of our most recent round of benchmarking.
In the below plot, FullParallelInsert.MPPS (shown along the x axis) is compared across the databases: influx, predictivegrid, and timescale. The parameters: SequentialReadParallelNum, InsertNumStreams, InsertSpanSeconds, Insert32Bit, InsertSubsample, InsertTSJitter, and InsertBatchSize were controlled for and are given along the y axis.
In the below plot, Insert.MPPS (shown along the x axis) is compared across the databases: influx, predictivegrid, and timescale. The parameters: SequentialReadParallelNum, InsertNumStreams, InsertSpanSeconds, Insert32Bit, InsertSubsample, InsertTSJitter, and InsertBatchSize were controlled for and are given along the y axis.
In the below plot, FullParallelSequentialRead.MPPS (shown along the x axis) is compared across the databases: influx, predictivegrid, and timescale. The parameters: SequentialReadParallelNum, InsertNumStreams, InsertSpanSeconds, Insert32Bit, InsertSubsample, InsertTSJitter, and InsertBatchSize were controlled for and are given along the y axis.
In the below plot, SequentialRead.MPPS (shown along the x axis) is compared across the databases: influx, predictivegrid, and timescale. The parameters: SequentialReadParallelNum, InsertNumStreams, InsertSpanSeconds, Insert32Bit, InsertSubsample, InsertTSJitter, and InsertBatchSize were controlled for and are given along the y axis.
In the below plot, SingleStreamSequentialRead.MPPS (shown along the x axis) is compared across the databases: influx, predictivegrid, and timescale. The parameters: SequentialReadParallelNum, InsertNumStreams, InsertSpanSeconds, Insert32Bit, InsertSubsample, InsertTSJitter, and InsertBatchSize were controlled for and are given along the y axis.
In the below plot, StreamCreation (shown along the x axis) is compared across the databases: influx, predictivegrid, and timescale. The parameters: SequentialReadParallelNum, InsertNumStreams, InsertSpanSeconds, Insert32Bit, InsertSubsample, InsertTSJitter, and InsertBatchSize were controlled for and are given along the y axis.
These results highlight a few interesting points:
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Michael Andersen, PhD
Michael obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, working in the prestigious RISELab under Dr. David Culler. His research covers high performance time series databases, wireless sensor networks, and secure communication infrastructure for IoT and control systems.